

What can I learn from this?

This is a question that can quickly reframe any period of time that may seem filled with celebration or perhaps full of heartbreak.

In 2017, I learned even if I could experience joy for only a snippet of time, that the lingering anxiety wouldn't be able to co-exist in that very same moment. animals that talk was created to illicit joy when fear of my own felt unrelenting.

I started drawing animal portraits based off of my favorite television and film characters (Hiya, Bill Murray!), as well as strangers I met in passing. I knew I wasn’t alone in my love for the Ghostbusters star, and shared my first digital sketch on social media January 23, 2017.

Since then, animals that talk became an LLC and published its first children’s book, “The Little Acorn.”

Something good, something life changing, something worth doing came out of a season where sleep was a stranger. Even in heaviness, being a catalyst of glee was possible; and in my experience, joy and fear, while neither underserving of attention, cannot be felt simultaneously…so let’s create joy, BABY!

You are loved. :)

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“I love the juxtaposition of clean lines and whimsical animals using adult language,” she says. “We all need comic relief in our lives as we balance our responsibilities.”